Happy New Year! You know, life has this funny way of throwing curveballs, especially in midlife. Lately, I’ve been on this journey of rediscovery, trying to navigate through the maze of loneliness and emptiness. It got me thinking about a time when things were different – a time when I felt alive and connected.

So, here’s the deal… I stumbled upon this nugget of wisdom: expressing your true self is the secret sauce to attracting the right kind of people. Whether you’re a funny introvert, an art enthusiast, or a bookworm, it’s all about boldly being who you are. And let me tell you, it works.

I remember when I used to publish comic books, Man, those were the days. I was deep in my passion, creating worlds and characters that resonated with me. And guess what? It wasn’t just about the comics; it was about finding my tribe. I made friends who got my quirks, got invited to speak to kids (how cool is that?), and felt genuinely excited about life.

Fast forward to now, and it feels like I’ve misplaced that connection. Life has become a bit too quiet, a little lonely, and there’s this sense of feeling lost. But you know what? I’m not giving up.

I’m taking a page from my own book (or comic, in this case). I’m revisiting those passions that once made my heart race. It might be a slow burn, but I’m determined to reconnect with myself and, hopefully, stumble upon kindred spirits along the way.

If you’re feeling a bit lost too, consider this your sign to embrace what makes you, well, you. Dive back into those hobbies, attend events related to your interests, and who knows? You might just find your tribe again. Because, let’s face it, being genuine is the key to building connections that really matter.

Here’s to rediscovering ourselves and finding our people in this crazy journey called life. Cheers!

Stay true!