Running on the treadmill can sometimes feel blah. You’re jogging in one spot staring at the same wall or screen. But it doesn’t have to be as boring anymore. Here are 4 ways to better your treadmill experience and make things interesting. 

PUMP THE MUSIC | Create a soundtrack of your favorite songs and get lost in the music. Like me, maybe put together some tune that you remember as a teen. Trust me, running to your favorite beats will make the time fly.

MIX IT UP | You can run fast for a bit, then slow down for a breather, then pick it up again. Or challenge yourself by inclining the machine for a little more challenge. The more you mix it up, the more fun it’ll be.

SET SOME GOALS | Maybe the last run was 10 minutes without stopping. This is push for 15 minutes. Whatever it is, having a goal makes your treadmill time more exciting.

BUDDY UP | Running with a partner makes things better. They’re by your side, and indirectly motivating you to press on, or even come up with little challenges to keep things interesting.

So here are some ideas I hope will help you look forward to the next time your treadmill workout comes up.