So lately, you’ve been constantly arguing and saying hurtful words to each other. You know that the relationship is on a down slide, and to be honest, it’s been weighing on your mind. Maybe you’re wondering, “how did we end up here?” Maybe you let the misunderstandings get the best of you, and you just slowly drifted apart. Whatever it is, one thing is certain… I bet you miss the friendship.

So I want to ask, can you guys meet in the middle? Why not meet up at Starbucks? Just the two of you, and talk. I believe you can work through this. Talk about what’s been bothering you and listen to each other’s perspectives, Try to find some common ground. You know, life is too short to let disagreements rip you apart. You can heal what’s broken, and remember why you became friends in the first place. So, what do say? Can you meet in the middle and give the relationship another chance?