Hey, my friend! Breaking habits is hard. We all know this, whether it’s breaking our diet (again), or putting things off until the last minute. It takes a lot of commitment to say you’re ready to break a habit and then actually follow through and do it. To help, let’s tackle 13 of the worst habits and discover how to rise above them:

Blaming Someone Else

You know how sometimes when things go wrong, it’s just so tempting to blame someone else? But here’s the thing… owning up to our part in things is WAY more empowering. Let’s focus on finding solutions instead of pointing fingers.

Stress Eating

Man, I know how tempting it is to reach for the Ben & Jerry’s when we’re feeling stressed or bored. But, maybe we could try some different ways to cope, like going for a walk, exercise, or calling up a friend for a chat. 

Watching Too Much TV

Okay, I’m just going to say it… sometimes I feel like I spend way too much time in front of the TV. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE a good binge-watch, but sometimes it’s good to mix it up with some other activities too.

Bad Relationships

You know those people who just suck the energy out of you? Yeah, I think spending less time with them and more time with the ones who lift you up will make you feel ten times better.

Making Assumptions

So, I’ve realized that assuming things without all the facts can really mess things up sometimes. Try to keep an open mind and ask questions when you’re not sure about something.

Blaming Yourself

Okay, I’m going to be real here… sometimes I’m my own worst critic. But maybe instead of blaming ourselves for everything that goes wrong, we could cut ourselves some slack and focus on moving forward.


Hey, you know we’re all about trying to do a million things at once, but most of the time, it just leaves you feeling overwhelmed. Let’s try focusing on one thing at a time and see how that goes.

Waiting till the Last Minute

Ugh, procrastination…  my old adversary. But seriously, I think if we break things down into smaller tasks and tackle them bit by bit, we could totally avoid that last-minute panic.

Being Late

Okay, so maybe punctuality isn’t a strong suit. But I’m thinking if we set some reminders and give ourselves a little extra time, we could totally start showing up on time more often.

Negative Self-Talk

You know how sometimes we’re our own worst critics? Changes in body image, career goals, and personal aspirations, which may lead to negative self-talk and self-doubt. Yeah, let’s try flipping that script and focus on being kinder to ourselves. Practice self-compassion and challenge negative thoughts with positive affirmations and self-care practices. Positive thoughts only, right?

Ignoring Health

Hey, I get it… scheduling doctor appointments isn’t exactly at the top of our to-do list. But taking care of our health is SUPER important, and as we age, regular health screenings become increasingly important for detecting and preventing chronic diseases and health conditions.  So, let’s make it a priority to schedule those appointments and stay on top of our health.

Unhealthy Eating Habits

Hey, with busy schedules and hectic lifestyles grabbing fast food is easy. But usually fast food is processed, and full sugar, and unhealthy fats can contribute to weight gain, low energy, and increased risk of chronic diseases. You’ll feel better nourishing your body with whole, nutritious foods that support your health and vitality.

Bumming Around

You know those days when we just feel like lying around doing nothing? Yeah, we’ve all been there. But I’m thinking maybe we could try to sneak in a little movement here and there… even just a short walk around the block can do wonders for our mood and energy levels. 

There you have it, my friend! Let’s break free from these habits and thrive. It’s never too late to make positive changes and live your best life!