Want to make your mornings better without adding a ton of stuff to your to-do list? Here are 11 easy tweaks to your morning routine that’ll set you up for a better day:

THE NIGHT BEFORE | Lay out your clothes, pack your gym bag, and get your workspace ready so you can hit the ground running in the morning.

WAKE UP A LITTLE EARLIER | Setting your alarm just 15 minutes earlier can give you some extra “me time” to start your day off on the right foot.

START WITH GRATITUDE | Take a moment to think about what you’re grateful for before you start your day. It’ll help set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY | Give yourself a break from scrolling through social media first thing in the morning. Spend the first 30 minutes of your day doing something that makes you feel good instead.

HAVE A MORNING PLAYLIST | Put together a playlist of songs that make you feel good and listen to it while you get ready for the day.

MAKE YOUR BED | It only takes a minute and can help set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

SCHEDULE EVERYTHING | Plan out your day ahead of time so you know exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it.

With these simple tweaks, you can make your mornings a little less chaotic and a lot more enjoyable.