Hey there, Happy New Year! As we dive into the fresh beginnings of a brand-new chapter, what better way to kick things off than by decluttering? And no, I’m not suggesting a Marie Kondo marathon that leaves you questioning every life choice. Let’s start small, my friend… right at the heart of your daily chaos: the closet!

New Year, New Closet

There’s something liberating about the idea of starting the year with a closet that doesn’t resemble a clothing explosion. So, first things first, put on your favorite house clothes, turn on your fav tunes, and let’s go to work

The 1 Hour Rule

Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of an entire day dedicated to decluttering? No worries. Set a timer for just 1 hour. Trust me, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in an hour. Start with one section… maybe the shirts or that shoe pile that’s covering the entire floor.

The Three Bag Method

Get yourself three large black bags. Label them as “Keep,” “Donate,” and “Trash.” As you sift through your clothes, toss each item into its designated bag. This method keeps things simple and decision-making swift. If you haven’t worn it in ages or it’s seen better days, it’s time to let it go.

Get Rid of The Easy Stuff First

The easy stuff includes items that are easy to declutter, like old magazines, junk mail, and worn out shoes. Getting rid of the easy stuff can make decluttering a quick win and a motivator.  It can also help you avoid making hard decisions by trying to get rid of the hardest things first

Quality Over Quantity

As we step into a new year, consider upgrading a few key pieces. Quality over quantity is the name of the game. Invest in items that withstand the test of time and make you feel like a million bucks when you put them on.

Small Wins, Big Impact

Remember, it’s not a race. The beauty of decluttering is in the small victories. Each organized shelf, each cleared-out drawer—these are small victories. Celebrate them. The sense of accomplishment will motivate you to tackle the next decluttering project.

Maintenance is Key

With a freshly organized closet, the trick is to keep it that way. Make a resolution to keep your closet tight. A little maintenance goes a long way in preventing the chaos from creeping back in.

So, my friend, as we step into this new year, let’s take control of our space, one closet at a time. Here’s to a clutter-free 2024!