Hate to break it to you, but once you’re over 40, the risk of suffering from multiple chronic illnesses increases. Your body begins operating and responding differently than when you were younger. The best way to take better care of yourself? EAT the right things. Start with this great list of foods when you’re hitting your midlife.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, and sardines are rich sources of Omega-3 fats which are essential for maintaining a healthy heart and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially in the 40s.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are a good source of anti-aging vitamins, minerals, fiber, and calcium, which help keep bones strong and reduce osteoporosis.


Avocados are heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory, satiating, and can help with weight control.


Berries strengthen and reinforce the walls of arteries, helping ensure healthy circulation. This is particularly important, because our arteries begin to weaken and become more brittle.